Water Rates, Policies & New Connections

*Please note: watering your lawn and garden or filling your pool with Municipal water is subject to both water and wastewater charges.

Billing Frequency

Entegrus bills water accounts monthly (with the exception of Bulk Water). 

Water Usage

Your Entegrus bill may include municipal water and sewer billing.

Your water usage is displayed on your Entegrus Bill, below your electricity usage (if applicable), along with the read dates. You can view your current and previous bills in My Account

For water and sewer billing inquiries, please contact Customer Service or call 1-866-804-7325. For all other water inquiries, please contact your respective Municipality / City / Town / Village.

Reporting a Water Emergency

Visit Report an Issue to find contact information for your area.

Water Rates & Occupancy Charges

Entegrus bills on behalf of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, City of St. Thomas & the Village of Newbury. Water rates are set through Bylaws annually, available below, along with any applicable deposit policies.

Notice to Strathroy Water Customers: 

For consumption starting June 1, 2022, water and sewer bills will be provided by the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc.

  • If customers receive their electricity from Entegrus, they will continue to receive an Entegrus bill for electricity charges
  • If customers receive electricity from Entegrus, the account number will not change. Pre-Authorized Payments will be withdrawn as scheduled for electricity
  • Customers will continue to have access to My Account, however water and sewer information will not be available after the last billing cycle.

Customers will receive information directly from the Municipality of Strathroy-Caradoc to set up a new water and sewer account along with information on available services. Any questions, please contact: Andrew Aris, Utility Billing Clerk at: billing@strathroy-caradoc.ca or 519-245-1105 ext 224.

New Connections & Moves

Water Leaks

If you suspect you may have a leak, review our tips below. Contact a certified plumber for assistance. 

Bulk Water Stations

A bulk water station is a location where commercial business, agricultural operations and the general public can purchase large volumes of water at easily accessible locations.

Frequently Asked Questions